Your Health IS Our Priority
We Are Focused on Your Care
At Jindalee Village Medical Centre, we put our patients first. Our commitment to your care is a shared goal and we are eager to work with you to get the very best health outcomes.
Consultation is by appointment. Patients presenting without an appointment will be fitted in at the earliest available time. Urgent medical matters will always be dealt with promptly. Please “check-in” with reception on your arrival to avoid an unnecessary delay in the waiting room.
Whilst every effort is made to keep on time for appointments, this can sometimes be difficult due to emergencies, walk-in patients or unexpectedly long consultations.
To help schedule appropriately, please inform our reception staff if you require a longer consultation, and what it may be for.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please phone the practice prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule. This will allow your appt time to be allocated to another patient.
Urgent Care
Medicare Urgent Care Clinics are available around Australia if you cannot get an appointment with your GP.
Find your closest Medicare Urgent Care Clinic here.
Dr Kosala Jayakody, Dr Jennifer Blomeley and Dr Neville Blomeley bulk bill for all patients who hold a valid Medicare or DVA card.
Dr Naomi Moss is a mixed billing GP. Fees may apply to patients over 16 years of age who do not have a Concession Card.
Fees may apply for some procedures.
Fees are payable on the day of your consultation. Please speak to Reception staff for more information.
For patients who have private health insurance, please speak to practice staff on how to pay for consultation.
After Hours & Emergency
Please contact National Home Doctor Service 13SICK (13 74 25) for After Hours medical care. A report will be sent to us the following day.
In case of an emergency please call 000 or present to your nearest hospital.
Medical Certificates & Forms
An appointment is required if you need any type of medical certificate. Fees may apply, please speak to our reception team for more information.
Test Results
If your Doctor has ordered pathology tests, radiology or other investigations please make sure to make an appointment in 2-3 days for the results, when leaving.
If any results are abnormal and/or require urgent attention we will contact you.
Hearing or Language Support
Please advise our reception staff of any hearing or language support required for your appointment, at the time of booking.
Reminder System
Our patient reminder and recall system ensures your ongoing care is managed effectively. We will contact you either by phone or SMS to make an appointment when you are due for a preventative health check (i.e.: cervical screening, skin check, blood pressure check, diabetes review).
Patients attending this practice will automatically be included in our recall/reminder system.
Please inform the Doctor or practice staff if you do not wish to be contacted.
Patient Rights & Feedback
We recognise that patients have certain rights and we will endeavor to support these rights. Please feel free to talk to your Doctor or reception staff if you have any suggestions or are unhappy with our service.
Alternatively you can submit feedback via an email to
Our Policies
Patient Health Information Management
Our practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. The practice uses computerized medicals records to store information, order tests, provide prescriptions and file specialist reports. Our computers are password protected. All information collected at this surgery is confidential.
For more details please read our Privacy Policy.
Zero Tolerance Policy
Our practice has a zero tolerance policy towards aggressive behaviours.
Our staff expect that all patients and visitors will be respectful and courteous when interacting with staff.
Our staff will:
– Endeavour to be courteous and helpful
– Provide what information they can to assist with your enquiry.
Patients and visitors should:
– Treat others as how they would like to be treated
– Use appropriate speaking level and tone
– Communicate without using threats, abuse or offensive language
– Act without using offence gestures or behaviours
The practice would like to ask all their patients/visitors to read and take note of the types of behaviour that would be found unacceptable:
– Using offensive language or swearing at practice staff
– Any physical violence towards any member of the Practice Team or other patients, such as pushing or shoving
– Verbal abuse insulting towards the staff in any form
– Racial abuse and sexual harassment
– Persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to staff. Requests will be met wherever possible and explanations given when they cannot be.
– Emailing/phoning us with aggressive or threatening words
– Causing damage/stealing from the Practice’s premises, staff or patients
– Obtaining drugs and/or medical services fraudulently
Should our staff be subject to abusive, threatening or violent behaviour, they will:
– Advise that they will be unable to assist if the behaviour continues
– Warn the patient or visitor that they will end the conversation if the aggressive behaviour continues
– End the conversation if the aggressive behaviour continues and if patient/visitor is in the clinic, request that they leave immediately
The police maybe called to assist should the behaviour continue. Failure to comply with our policy, may results in the patient being banned from the practice.
Email Policy
Whilst we are very happy to receive your email, we do not make or change appointments via email.
Please call (07) 3376 7343 to make an appointment or book online.
Please never use emails for urgent medical issues.
Emails are not considered to be a secure form of communication, so confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. If we do receive an email from you, we will assume that you accept that email is an acceptable modality to you, for us to reply.
Third Party Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure staff at Jindalee Village Medical Centre seek consent for the presence of a third party during a patient’s consultation. A patient is entitled to either consent to or decline the presence of a third party.
This policy applies to all employees, patients, guests, interpreters, medical students, and chaperones of Jindalee Village Medical Centre.
All patients have the right to either consent to or decline to the presence of a third party during their consultation.
Third party can be requested by the patient or by the practitioner. Ensure that the third party is fully aware of their rights and has the capacity to make an informed decision regarding their consent to a third party during their consultation.
A third party may be a family member, partner, friend, guardian, interpreter, chaperone, medical or nursing student or another general practitioner or health professional. When a third-party consent is requested, the patient will be required to complete a Patient Consent Form – Third Party.
This form will be scanned and kept in the patient’s file.
All patients have to the right to decline the presence of a third party during their consultation without fear of repercussions.